Smiley Face Symbols

Smiley Face Symbols,a great way to show expressions than words. Love,emotional,sad,hurt,romantic face symbols collection.

If you want to learn the new language of smiley face symbols or emoticons, you have landed on the right page. Here I provide an emoticon dictionary of sorts with smiley face symbols and meanings.

smiley face symbols

smiley face symbols


we all know images work better than words. so today we are going to share some beautiful :-) symbols which you can use to show your expression rather than describing words ....sometimes words are not enough to express your emotions that is why we use :-) symbol they carry your emotions and forward it to your beloved ones heart. that is why :-) symbols are very popular. they are very easy to write and you can also copy this :-) symbols along with their meaning from blog.

using :-) symbol credit goes to yahoo messenger. this is inspired by yahoo messenger who first started using :-) symbol in chatting box. you can also copy this face symbols from below and can send to any number and you will see it shows emotional expression other than and better than words. 

:-) symbol are great way to express love and feel romance these are very cute and sweet we have also shared some romantic :-) symbol which are very loving and it will reach up to your loved ones heart.  some of the face symbols are sad and really heart and some are cute,emotional and very loving. these are perfect for your boyfriend and girlfriend or bf and gf. if you want to use less words and  want a perfect date then you can send this face symbol as a text messages.

Smiley Face Symbols     Meaning

:)     Smiling, Happy Face, Cheshire Cat Smile (Indicates that you are not to be taken seriously. This is the most commonly used emoticon ever.)

:-)     Smiley Face With a Nose (A more gentlemanly smile)

;)     Friendly, Flirtatious Wink (Used when flirting, joking or hinting something)

:-P     Tongue Out (Mockery, Playful Banter, Mocking Disapproval)

:>     Evil, Devilish Grin or Happy Smile

;-)     Wink with Smile (Ironic, Sardonic Humor or Happiness)

B-)     Cool Smile, Smile With Attitude, Smiling With Sunglasses On

8-)     Wide Eyed Smile, Surprised Smile

:D     Laughter, Big Smile, Grin

:-D     Big Laugh

:-o     Shocked, Surprised, Shouting (The 'Oh No!' expression)

:-#     Secrecy ('My Lips are Sealed'), Blowing a Flying Kiss

:-J     Tongue in Cheek Smile ('I know your secret' smile)

:-(     Unhappy, Sad

O:-)     Angelic Smile

:-)))     Big Smile

:-C     Incredibly Jaw Dropping

:-|     Disgust, Plain Neutral Face

:'-(     Crying, Sentimental

|-)     Asleep, Sleepy

:-||     Angry

:-*     A Kiss

>:)     Devil's Smile

:-x     Kiss

:-1     Smirk

>8-D     Evil Crazy Laughter

:-\     Skepticism

<:-)     Dumb Question, Dunce

:-)8     Sports a bow tie

[:-)     Wearing a Walkman

:*)     Drunk

[:]     Robot

:-{)     Mustache smile

:-[     Vampire

|-O     Yawns

:-Q     Smoking

:-9     Licks lips

:-&     Tongue-tied

:-)-o     Doctor, Medical Professional

*<:-)     Santa Claus

X-(     Death/Suicide