Romantic Text Messages and Sms

Romantic Text Messages for girlfriend and boyfriend that are emotional,sad,loving and sweet. Truly sweet to touch heart.

Text messages are one of the most popular forms of electronic communication. It is an easy way to stay connected with each other when you are unable to have a verbal conversation. Did you know? Sending a romantic text message is also an economic way of declaring your love to your sweetheart and making him/her feel special. Let's get creative with our messages, shall we? Get your phones out and start messaging!

romantic love messages and sms

romantic love messages and sms

What does it mean by romantic text messages

This are the text messages that are very romantic. specially for your boyfriend/girlfriend. This are written in English and very meaningful. This words have emotions, feelings,love and blessings. Some messages are sad that touches the heart and some are very romantic that makes your boyfriend or girlfriend feeling love for you.

Effect of Romantic text messages and sms

What happens when you receive a messages a messages in your mobile phone. You become exited and wish for something good. And if the messages is good you feel happy. The same effect happens when you send this romantic love sms to anyone. This romantic messages are very loving and touches the heart of your loved one's. This messages have pure intention and emotions and filled with love and emotions. So when you send such romantic love messages your boyfriend/girlfriend becomes happy for himself and also for yourself and he send positive vibrations for you that are always filled with love. and your relationship becomes more strong.

How to send this romantic sms

There are many ways you can send this romantic sms texts and messages. First is copy from our blog from your mobile phone and send it directly to your boyfriend/girlfriend number. second is you can copy the selected messages and then send it via email.

You can do it directly from here. below you can see share option. click on it and type your lover's email address and send the email. So this are all the options through which you can send romantic text messages and sms to your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. This are very loving for all types of relationship.

Collection of romantic love text messages and sms

♥ If I had the letters "HRT", I can add "EA" 2 get a "HEART" or a "U" nd get "HURT". Bt I'd rather choose "U" nd get "HURT" thn hve a "HEART" without "U".

♥ If U wake up 1 day & were asked 2 hve a wish, wht would it be? Mine would be tht our love would last until U see an apple in an orange tree.

♥ If 10 people cR 4 U,

1 of thm is me,

If 1 person cRs 4 U tht would be me again,

If no 1 cRs 4 U tht means

I M 9t in this world.

♥ I love U! If U hate me, shoot me with an arrow, bt please 9t on the heart bcoz tht's where U R!

♥ Of all the people I've met, U R the 1 I'll nevr 4get. Nd if I die be4e U do, I'll go 2 heaven nd wait 4 U.

♥ This is a moon, which learns from U,

Tht is a sun, which respects U,

Thr R stars, which shine 4 U,

Nd here... It's me who lives 4 U.

♥ God is wise whn he did 9t put a price tag on U darling. If he did, I won't be able 2 af4d 2 hve a boyfriend (girlfriend) as precious as U.

♥ If I were a tear in Ur eye, I would roll down on2 Ur lips. Bt if u were a tear in my eye, I would nevr cry as I would be afraid 2 lose u!

♥ U R the twinkle of my eyes;

The smile on my lips;

The joy of my face;

Without U I M incomplete.

♥ A person U love is an extension of Urself. Without it, U're 9t complete so better take cR of Urself bcoz I don't want 2 lose a part of me.

♥ My heart 4 U will nevr break. My smile 4 U will nevr fade. My love 4 U will nevr end. I love U!

♥ Words however special,

Could nevr even start,

2 tell U all the love

I hve 4 U, in my heart.

♥ I will walk with U side by side 4 only 1 condition: hide Ur wings every time we walk 2gether bcoz the whole world might know tht U're my angel!

♥ 2 the world, U may be 1 person. Bt 2 me, U R the world!

♥ U showed me how it is 2 be loved.

Now I know wht really love is.

1 day we will be 2gether 4ever.

I cant wait 2 hold U,

in my arms again.

♥ Just caught myself daydreMing about U. I love U so much. XX

♥ I miss the laughs I used 2 get from U, I miss the talks we used 2 hve. Nd above all, I just miss U!


Funny Text Messages
 Best Funny text and Hilarious sms and messages collection.World class Funny text messages by Best shayari
Hilarious Text Messages

Think you need a good laugh? Read on for a compilation of hilarious text messages.


Romantic Text Messages and Sms

Sending a romantic text message is also an economic way of declaring your love to your sweetheart and making him/her feel special.
Cute Messages for Him or boyfriend

Running out on cute messages for him? Read on for some sweet texts to send your boyfriend.
Love Text Messages For Girlfriend
love text messages for girlfriend? If yes, then you have come to the right place as here you will find a big collection of romantic SMS text messages for girlfriend

Sweet Good Night Text Messages
Looking for some sweet good night text messages to make that almost perfect date perfect? This article might just help you


Love Text Messages For Girlfriend

Love Text Messages For Girlfriend to impress her if she does not love you. specially for boyfriends. 

 What happens if your girlfriend does not love you but you still love her and want to impress her by any ways. Than you are at right place if you are searching best love messages for girlfriend. This love messages will convey your feelings of love and emotions towards your girlfriend and may be you will have a happy relationship that you wish to have. This love messages for girlfriend have those emotions which are yours. This love sms for girlfriend have that feelings that you have for your girlfriend. So go on and send this beautiful and cute love messages for your girlfriend.

when do you forward cute text messages to boyfriend or girlfriend when you are lack of connecting medium between you and her. It is tough to express your feelings and emotions everyday. than such cute love messages for girlfriend works. They carry your emotions and make him/her know that how deep you love her. You can take any of the beautiful love message from our love messages collection.

Love text message for girlfriend

Love text message for girlfriend

Cute Love Text Messages 4 Girlfriend

I asked God 4 a rose & he gave me a garden. I ask God 4 a drop of water & he gave me an ocean. I asked God 4 an angel & he gave me U!

Love is 9t about finding the right person, bt creating the right relationship. It's 9t about how much love U hve in the beginning bt how much love U build till the end, bcoz love is all Thr is.

I'm 9t sure wht life could bring U. I'm 9t sure if dreMs do come true. I'm 9t sure wht love can do. Bt I'm sure about 1 thing. I love U.

I'll lend U my shoulder 4 U 2 cry on, my ears 2 listen 2, my hnd 4 U 2 hold, my feet 2 walk with U, bt I can't lend U my heart bcoz it already belongs 2 U.

I believe tht God above created U 4 me 2 love. He picked U out from all the rest bcoz he knew id love U the best!

Love is two hearts beating as 1.

Falling in love with U is the second best thing in the world... Finding U is the first!

Love doesn't make the world go round; it just makes the ride worthwhile.

Nevr rush in love 4 it nevr runs out. Let love be the 1 2 knock at Ur door, so by the time U start 2 fall, U know tht Ur feeling is 4 sure.

Love has its ups nd downs, its twists nd turns. Love leaves U pain, teaches U until U learn nd even if love takes so long, it always takes U 2 where U belong.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U nd I 2gether.

Between the thousnd yesterdays nd a million 2morrows, Thr's only 1 2day nd I wouldn't let this day pass without saying this 2 U - I LOVE U.

Love is 9t about finding the right person, bt creating a right relationship.

If I died or went somewhere far I'd write Ur nMe on every star so every1 could look up nd see U mean the world 2 me.

Whn night comes, look at the sky. If U see a falling star, don't wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will come true, bcoz I did it nd I found U.

1 day U'll ask me: wht's more important 2 U, me or Ur life? ill say my life nd U'll go nd leave without even knowing tht U R my life.

If love were 2 be taxed, I would be the highest tax payer, U can't buy Love... bt U can pay heavily.

Love can 2uch U just 1 time bt it can last 4 a lifetime.

If I had a penny 4 every time I thought of U, I'd still miss U, bt at least I would be rich enough 2 come nd see U!

Love is whn U don't want 2 go 2 sleep bcoz reality is better thn a dreM.

It's hard 2 find some1 whom U truly love, much less 2 find some1 who loves U as much.

Women listen 2 music bcoz they R in love. Men listen 2 music bcoz they want 2 fall in love.

I lost a tear in the sea nd the day I find it is the day I s2p loving U.

Love is like war... Easy 2 start... Difficult 2 end.

U don't marry some1 U can live with. U marry the person who U can9t live without.

It's 9t about how much love U hve in the beginning bt how much love U build till the end.

Love is like a btterfly. It goes where it pleases nd it pleases where it goes.

Funny Text Messages
 Best Funny text and Hilarious sms and messages collection.World class Funny text messages by Best shayari
Hilarious Text Messages

Think you need a good laugh? Read on for a compilation of hilarious text messages.


Romantic Text Messages and Sms

Sending a romantic text message is also an economic way of declaring your love to your sweetheart and making him/her feel special.
Cute Messages for Him or boyfriend

Running out on cute messages for him? Read on for some sweet texts to send your boyfriend.
Love Text Messages For Girlfriend
love text messages for girlfriend? If yes, then you have come to the right place as here you will find a big collection of romantic SMS text messages for girlfriend

Sweet Good Night Text Messages
Looking for some sweet good night text messages to make that almost perfect date perfect? This article might just help you


Random Questions to Ask a Girl

Random Questions to Ask a Girl

Random questions to ask a girl

Random questions to ask a girl

What are some of the question that i can ask to a girl? How to start conversation with unknown girl? How to talk with girls? How to make your conversation longer when you talk with a girl? what questions to ask when you are going to meet a girl for your marriage? What to ask her when i meet her? If this are your queries than you are at right place? we have collection of those questions that you can ask to girl when meeting first time.

Talking with girls is an art. most people impress girl in very first meeting not because they are handsome or what it is just because they know the art of talking with girls. And they know the right questions that should be asked from girlfriend or girl. so if you do not know the right questions that really makes interesting conversation and impress the girl then below we have shared 50 questions that you can ask to any girl and make her fall in love or at least you can be her friend.

Random questions to ask a girl

Whn is Ur birthday?
Wht kind of music do U like?
Wht is Ur favorite movie?
Which is the best vacation U hve ever been on?
Wht is the meaning of Ur nMe?
Which place would U definitely like 2 visit?
Wht is the greatest thing U hve ever d1, so far?
Which was the scariest moment of Ur life?
Do U believe tht a soulmate exists 4 every person?
Do U believe in God?
Which sport R U interested in?
Wht is Ur favorite hobby?
If U could be granted 3 wishes, wht would they be, nd why?
If U could only do 1 thing 4 the rest of Ur life, wht would it be?
Wht will U say 2 a man, who is trying 2 commit suicide?
Which is the best book U hve ever read?
Wht R the three things tht U can9t live without?
Has any movie, or book made a huge impact on U?

Personal Questions 2 Ask a Girl

Why do U think U R so beautiful?
Who do U think should make the first move, a guy or a girl?
Wht do Ur friends think of me?
Do U like my friends?
I like pets, would U like 2 hve pets someday?
Do U believe in 'love at first sight'?
Wht is Ur idea of a romantic evening?
Wht would Ur dreM house be like? Would it be a contemporary apartment, or an English country house?
Which R Ur 3 physical features, U often get complimented on?
Which was the funniest proposal U got?
Wht R U excessively obsessive-compulsive about?
If U wrote a journal entry about our conversation, 
wht would it say?
Wht do U prefer, eating salsa or dancing it?
Which is 1 rule, U're proud of breaking?
Wht do U expect from life? Where do U see Urself ten years from now?
 In Ur opinion, which R the most important traits in a man?
 Wht can 2tally impress U?
 If Ur life was a book, wht would U nMe it nd how would Ur s2ry end? Nd, wht would be the climax?



Cheating Wife - What to Do

Cheating Wife - What to Do

Is your wife cheating with you? if she is cheating then what to do as a husband? it is very difficult for a husband if he finds out that his wife is cheating with him. so today we are going to discuss what husbands should do if his wife is cheating with him. we will talk about all the signs that a cheating wife shows and all the solution that a husband can do to catch his wife. so we are going to discuss all the things. signs of cheating girlfriends and solution to catch the cheating wife. how to find out if your wife is cheating with you ?there are many signs that you can figure out if your wife is cheating with you.

First she starts lying with you. second her behavior changes certainly like you know if she used to be angry with you and if she's cheating or dating to another person then she will start talking lovingly to you because she does not want to show that. she has the fear to get caught so her behavior will suddenly change.

 3rd is she would like to go outside more often than staying with you in your home .this are very normal signs that you can figure out if your wife is cheating with you and you want to know how to deal with cheating wife?

Danger of suspicion

Girls have tendency to be suspicious if she knew that you are suspecting her then she will suddenly change her mind. she will change the way she talks with you .so be alert if you find out that she is having an affair with someone else then be normal than being over reactive. you just try to be normal only then you can catch her.if she knew than she would change her mind and then you can not ever catch him.


been not happy with her men is also a reason of cheating. it maybe that you have crossed the age or you are about to cross the age in which you are not having active sexual experiences then there are chances that she can go somewhere else for sexual desires and happiness. this is the most basic reason all the girls who are not happy with there men's sexual condition, they always cheat their men. so try to be a little bit romantic and hot .so that you can have a good sexual relationship which later turns into a loyal relationship not the cheating one. if she still buys a sexy lingerie and buy some contraceptive pills then be alert why she's taking with them when your not having any sexual relationships. it means that she's cheating on you but apart from that if she shows to you and try to please you then it means that she is loyal. so try to be little romantic otherwise you will lose your wife. 

Her state of mind 

Another sign that she is cheating on you is that you need to figure out that what happened in earlier days of your marriage. she used to tell you every single bit information she noticed at the end. today and now what is she doing? is she still telling everything that she noticed today. If she  doesn't speak to you anymore. if she's not speaking with you and trying to be away from you it means that she is cheating with you. so just remove that barrier and one more time be frank with her so that she changes her mind. these are the signs that she is cheating with you because someone else is trying to keep your wife happy then you.

What are the solutions for your husband if his wife is cheating 

first solution is be romantic. if romance has disappeared from your life that is the reason your wife is cheating with you because you think that it is over but your wife does not think the same way and truth is romance should not ever end up. try to be little bit romantic ,take her to a romantic dinner ,praise her beauty. that is used to be in earlier days of your marriage. buy some sexy clothes for her, buy some rings for her. always stay with her, spend some quality time with her, take her separately into restaurant and start loving discussions, try to find a space in her heart, try to impress her by sending loving text messages. so the all the things that a young boy friend does to impress a girlfriend ,so you need to do the same thing being romantic will really work and she will get rid of that cheater or the person to whom she's having a relationship. 

Find out with whom she's having a relationship 

find out that person with whom your wife is spending her quality time and become her friends. know what you have to do is try to figure out what he does to please your wife and whatever he does you need to do it more with your wife. this is the only way if he's your friends and then you can tell him that stay away from her. there are many other ways to keep him away is,  by forcibly or emotionally .so for example if he give one ring to your wife then you need to give 2 to impress to your wife. if he take her for a good shopping then you also need to take her for a good shopping more than his cheater. so these are the basic things you can do and try to keep him away from your wife is either by emotionally mentally or forcibly. 

Third solution is confront your wife. clear all your doubts that why she is cheating with you now you need to tell everything and hear also everything. whatever she's speak now clear all of your doubts and start a healthy and happy relationship. this is the last solution apart from that you can be separated from her. if you do not want to get separate then clear all the doubts and enjoy healthy relationship with your wife for one more time.

Signs of cheating Girlfriend

Signs of cheating Girlfriend and wife,how to understand if girlfriend is cheating on you now what ,know here if your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you.


Is Your Boyfriend Cheating On You

Boyfriend cheating on you,check is boyfriend really cheating,tips to catch him cheating you ,how to get him back and fall in love with you.




Cheating Boyfriend Quotes 

 If you have been cheated on and are looking for some sentimental cheating boyfriend quotes, then here's a list you might relate to.. (if you'll are getting what I mean)...





Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

25 Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend or wife. Check out if she is cheating on you.

signs of cheating girlfriend how to know if girlfriend is cheating

25 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on You

best of shayari girlfriend cheating wife

How to catch a cheating girlfriend or wife. Below you will find 25 signs from that you can check if your girlfriend is cheating on you or not. If you find that all the sings you can notice in her than it means that she is cheating on you. So if you want to find out is she cheating on you than read below sings of a cheating wife or girlfriend.

25 Signs of a cheating girlfriend

1     U hve a strong gut feeling tht she is cheating on U.

2     She avoids answering the ph1 whn U R around bt incessantly texts. Else, she may go 2 a9ther room 2 attend the call on the pretext of 'privacy'. Does she even delete her call nd message his2ry?

3     She has been beMing with happiness bt U don't know the reason behind it.

4     She suddenly starts hanging out with a mysterious "certain girlfriend" a lot, bt U hve nevr met her.

5     She starts dropping in nMes of new friends nd insists tht U two keep Ur friends separate.

6     Her number is busy a lot these days, especially at odd hours.

7     She primps more often nd now spends extensive Mount of time nd m1y on her appearance. It is just like how she paid extra attention 2 herself whn U initially started dating.

8     The frequency of her calls nd messages drops significantly.

9     Ur girlfriend may avoid spending time with U nd always appears restless whn U R 2gether, often glancing at the watch or her cellph1.

10     She always wants 2 be clued in about Ur exact plans nd extensively grills if U give vague answers.

11     Her friends, who were once warm nd friendly 2wards U, hve become distant without any explanation. She no more invites U 2 hang out with thm.

12     U may 9tice tht some of Ur mutual friends start acting strangely whn U two R 2gether.

13     She doesn't find U appealing anymore nd often makes insulting remarks about Ur job, physical appearance or attitude. She starts criticizing U nd gets angry at the things tht nevr used 2 bothr her be4e. She may be trying 2 emphasize Ur faults in order 2 justify her faithlessness 2 herself.

14     She doesn't show much interest in getting physically or emotionally intimate with U. She will even flinch from any public display of affection nd make excuses 4 it.

15     All of a sudden, she has become over-protective of her gadgets nd has even changed all her passwords tht U may hve known.

16     U almost caught her lying about her whereabouts bt she quickly covered it after the brief slip up.

17     Ur girlfriend now encourages U 2 spend more time with Ur friends or 2 go al1 on a trip or 2 a movie. She may start a new hobby or may talk about the movies tht U had nevr seen 2gether.

18     She gets confused with the in4mation she shRd with U bcoz she is already doing tht with a third person tht may or may 9t be her new lover.

19     She has become secretive about her whereabouts nd gets mad if U become concerned nd ask her 2 give details. She may even try 2 change the subject 2 divert Ur interest. The thing is tht she fights with the sMe objective.

20     Her interest in the activities, tht U enjoyed 2gether previously, has dwindled. U might 9tice a series of unexplained cancellations of plans.

21     She smells different. It may hve been tht a9ther guy's scent rubbed off on her or she was in a very different environment (around smokers, smells heavily of traditional food or anything 2 raise Ur suspicions).

22     If U suddenly 9tice unexplained expensive additions 2 her wardrobe tht she wouldn't be able 2 af4d othrwise. The othr guy may be showering Ur girlfriend with extravagant gifts 2 win her affections.

23     She has become paranoid nd accuses U of cheating on her.

24     She starts picking up fights with U or tries 2 look 4 reasons 2 break up OR she becomes extra nice (perhaps, out of guilt). In either case, she will suddenly adopt an extreme attitude.

25     U previously cheated on her nd she found out. She may 9t hve been over it yet nd finds it difficult 2 trust U which makes her even more vulnerable 2 fall in 2 the arms of a9ther guy. Call it revenge or a broken heart.

Cheating Wife what to do 

Women are deceptive beings, is a well-known fact. So, if you are faced with a cheating wife, what will you do? How would you concretely know if she is cheating or not? Do you confront? Do you forgive and forget? Well, chill, read this article for some much-needed help... from a woman!


Is Your Boyfriend Cheating On You

Boyfriend cheating on you,check is boyfriend really cheating,tips to catch him cheating you ,how to get him back and fall in love with you.




Cheating Boyfriend Quotes 

 If you have been cheated on and are looking for some sentimental cheating boyfriend quotes, then here's a list you might relate to.. (if you'll are getting what I mean)...




Sweet things to say to your girlfriend

Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend to impress her and attract her to make your relationship strong and for longtime.

What are those things that makes girls happy and they fall for you. What are those words that makes them excited for you and they fall in love with you. what are those qualities that girls looks for in men. and what are those things that every girl wish in their men and boyfriend. today we are going to share every single thing that can make your a better person for your girl or wife. This are the sweet things to say to your girlfriend.

Sweet Things You Could Say to Her
There are many things that you can say to her that makes them happy and your relationship becomes more loving and healthy.

  • Praise their beauty.
  • give compliments to girls.
  • Praise their hairstles and dressing sense.
  • Hold their hand while walking.
  • Say i love you while making eye contact with her.
  • Lift their bags while doing shopping.
  • Do not look to other girls while you are with her.
  • Send her good morning , good night and good afternoon messages.

This are the things that you can tell her and say i will do all this things for you and than see the magic. This are very sweet things to say to your boyfriend. which will really increase the romance in your life. and later two heart will be one and you will fly in sky of love in your dreams.


Below are the things that girls looks for in men. Very simple. they want equality and respect and what are those other things that girls like to see in men. You can see that below.

  • Men should be good looking.
  • men should have good physical assets.
  • Good if he has nice body.
  • Girls want ther man to be emotional.
  • Girls want their men to be stylish.
  • Girls want that their men should be caring, honest and loving.
  • Girls want that their men should share everything with her.
  • They want equal weightage in whatever decision you take.
  • Best dressing sense.
  • Grooming.
  • Deep eyes.
  • Men with stylish clothes.


This are the following things that girls wants from their man and seeks. Being very straight forward. i am showing some of the sweet things that you can say to her. Remember below are the things that a girl want to see in her boyfriend or man. And if you can develop this things in you than definitely your are her man. So grow this abilities in yourself or at least pretend to do that.
  • They want Honesty
  • Girls really wants Love
  • Sometimes naughtiness makes them happy and excited
  • Maturity definitely No one wants to romance with fool.
  • No cheating, They do not like cheaters who have many girlfriends.
  • Person who takes them for shopping.
  • Respect, everyone needs respect. Give them respect and receive as well.
  • Security, Of course you are not a man if you can not protect her.

Cool Things to Say to a Girl

Cool things to say to girl in Hindi and English. Say these things and make them fall in love with you.

Cool Things to Say to a Girl
Cool Things to Say to a Girl
Read more »

How to Cook for Your Girlfriend

do you know what is the simplest way to impress your girlfriend and I want to tell you that that is cooking girls love to eat food which is cooked by their boyfriends and this is one of the most in simple way to impress girlfriend but cooking food and serving it at fireplace doesn't mean that your girlfriend will be impressed by you there are lots of things that you need to consider when you’re cooking for your girlfriend it is not like a two brothers food which can cook anything and can serve and be happy but it's a matter of love so what to do and how to cook in what to cook so that your girl friend becomes happy by your cooking so in this post we are going to discuss how to cook for your girlfriend and what to cook for your girlfriend so that she becomes happy for you and your relationship becomes more strong we are going to discuss it in very detail
How to Cook for Your Girlfriend
How to Cook for Your Girlfriend

you know 1 thing that girls are very emotional they become happy just a small gas turbine domain even if you raise them in a serious way are if you even just say the truth day become so happy and it is a very it is a matter of great pleasure for girls if there husband or boyfriend cooks for them they feel so overwhelmed and joyful so today we will discuss how to cook them and how to cook fantastic and lovingly with emotions so that she becomes only yours

but before pleasing your girlfriend and pressing your girlfriend by your cooking you just need to do some homework like what is her favorite color what is your favorite dishes what is your favorite cuisine what does she like in desert and what does she drink after meals so you need to do a detail homework then you can invite her at her home are at romantic location where you can cook for your girlfriends and can impress really with emotion and love so you need to figure out all of those things so we started from cuisine

go at any restaurant with her or you can also take away on her favorite restaurants and can monitor that what does she order and what she likes in the restaurant you can also ask her what is the most favorite thing you like in cuisine than you can note all this information on your paper and can do homework for it like whenever you want to cook that particular cuisine try to learn on YouTube video or at other places like how you can cook it on the best way and when you get perfection then you are ready to invite her and serve your loving using for her

try to get information about the environment and atmosphere that she likes while she eats food because it is very important for you if you are trying to impress your girlfriend by your cooking then keep in mind that what is the theme  around you like you can decorate your room by roses and using red velvet cloth on table and you can also use candles are Jews light themes it will be perfect theme for lovers so keep this in mind then think about serving your delicious food to impress her

actually it is very simple to impress your girlfriend just remember few things that I’m going to share with you first which color she likes when you know the colors she likes you can use it as a theme in your room then figure out what you mean she likes whatever you get information about her in then try to learn that cuisine I mean to say that how to cook that use in then learn some serving tactics like how to serve food to girls now here for boyfriends food does not matter but the matter is how you serve them and how you decorate your room like you can you use rose petals around your table and chairs you can use candle light on the centre of the table in team all the other lights like she can only see you and you can only see her just try to make it very romantic if you could figure out all the information from your girlfriends and a few things in a romantic way then definitely she will be very impressed by your cooking I am again telling you she will not be impressed by your great food yes it plays a very important role but she will be more impressed by the way how are you serve and how you treat her just make her feel special and she will be yours forever